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Kama Ayurveda Pure Rosewater Review


Hi Guys!
I am back with another review today and this time I am going to talk about the Kama Ayurveda Pure Rosewater. You must have seen this before on the blog as a part of my recent haul from Nykaa. I have been a person who  has always run away from the traditional CTM routine. Sometimes, I would just moisturise my face after cleansing and the other times I would scrub before moisturising. But I never ever used a toner for my face thinking it to be another marketing gimmick by brands trying to selling consumers more products. I read about the side effects of using an alcohol based toner so I wanted to start with something safer. I knew about rose water being the safest toner out in the market and what better brand than the 100% organic Kama Ayurveda, to start with.


Kama Ayurveda Pure Rosewater

What The Brand Says?

This Rosewater is made from the roses of Kannauj, a region in north India, rich in white clay soil conducive to roses’ growth. The steam distillation process used to create this wonderful rosewater ensures a high level of hygiene and purity. Rosewater is a natural astringent. It balances and restores the skin’s pH level and helps tighten pores.

Ingredients: Rosa damascena flower water 

Shelf Life : 2 years

Price: INR 250 for 50 ml

A spray water bottle is the most convenient way to apply any product. I apply this rosewater everytime after cleansing my face with a face wash and follow it up with a moisturiser.

My Experience with Kama Ayurveda Pure Rosewater


Honestly speaking I did not have high hopes with a rosewater in a spray bottle can. I thought if not toning this can be a good addition in my everyday handbag and can be used to refresh the face from scorching heat. But since the time I have started using it the dead skin buildup and flaky skin around my nose has almost vanished away. Everytime I used to apply makeup around the nose area before, the skin would appear patchy there. This doesnt happen anymore.

The reason behind the same would be that the rosewater acts as a toner and closes the facial pores after cleansing. So the dirt and dust particles don’t accumulate on the open pores’ surface. I am so glad I gave this product a try and I would recommend to all the oily skinned ladies who have open pores on and around the nose. An alcohol free toner like this definitely works. The price is on the higher side but if you find a product that actually works, then it is a keeper in my opinion.

Have you ever tried the Kama Ayurveda Pure Rosewater or any such related alcohol free toner that you would like to share with me? I would love to hear in the comments below.

Until next time,bye bye!!

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